On October 17th, I had the privilege of hosting a house concert featuring singer and songwriter Staci Frenes. It was a wonderful evening of musical talent, mingling, and cheesecake. Musician-Artist/Lyrics-Paintings, join in creativity. Enjoy the article below!
Artist: Linda Aman Musician: Staci Frenes
Shared Pathways in Creativity
Written by Linda Aman
Published in the IWS Fall 2014 Newsletter
Thinking outside the box is what we do as artists. I thought you might enjoy a recent sharing of creative ideas between myself and another artist, a musician.
I recently had the privilege of working with a very talented and creative artist. Her expression is through music. Staci Frenes is a musician, songwriter, and writer that I met two years ago. I attended a local performance of her latest songs and as she sang I was moved not only by her talent, but by her lyrics.
After the concert I told her the lyrics she sang reminded me of several paintings that I had just completed! She was singing my paintings….she was probably wondering what I could mean by that statement, but that thought captured her curiosity. We exchanged emails and a collaborative adventure transpired. Her lyrics matched perfectly to a couple of my paintings. We placed her lyrics into several paintings and we have note cards and now posters produced to sell. (To view posters for sale, see bottom of article.)

The way we as artists can enhance the value of our paintings has a wider range of impact than I realized. Staci has an audience I would never have the opportunity to show my painting to and her lyrics and music were brought into another venue she would not have realized. A great coming together of art forms was enhanced by the combining of the two.
I would encourage you to think of new venues, ideas and experiences that may be just around the corner from you. Think outside the traditional and see what happens along with new adventures and new friends.
Posters sized 24″x36″
Email Linda at [email protected] to order.
You can see more about Staci Frenes and her music at www.stacifrenes.com
Linda is an artist and instructor who lives in Star and teaches in her studio. She also teaches in other locations in Idaho , Oregon and Washington . You can visit her website at www.amanarts.com or email [email protected] for more information. © Linda Aman 2014